Scrisoarea unui senator cinstit catre ambasadorul SUA in tara lui

Bad dog revine! Senatorul Cristian Bodea, exclus din PNL si actualmente reprezentant al Partidului Ecologist Roman, i-a trimis luni, 15 august, o scrisoare ambasadorului SUA la Bucuresti, Hans Klemm, prin care a facut o scurta, dar dura radiografie a societatii romanesti de azi.

Iata textul bilingv al scrisorii senatorului Cristian Bodea:

„Scrisoarea unui senator cinstit catre ambasadorul SUA in tara lui
Draga domnule ambasador Klemm,
Ca DNA face macel in Parlament este un lucru bun, ca sprijiniti Justitia este un fapt de apreciat, dar aveti idee de ce in Romania se ia in continuare spaga, se „aranjeaza” licitatii si se fura dealuri de lemne? Si, de ce, cei platiti sa opreasca acest jaf dau din umeri si… isi iau spaga linistiti? Nu aveti, banuiesc…
Va luminez eu! Coruptia si hotia nu puteau ajunge la nivelul acesta daca politistii, procurorii si judecatorii isi faceau treaba si ii opreau pe politicieni de la inceput. Dar, si Justitia, si Politia, si Serviciile le-au fost complici timp de 26 de ani. Au furat toti, impreuna, acesta e Adevarul!
In aceste conditii, vi se pare normal ca iubitul dvs partener, presedintele Iohannis, „face” Justitie, Politie si Securitate cu aceeasi oameni care au fost ieri parte la hotie cu cei pe care azi ii incatuseaza? Ne garantati dvs ca, daca dna Kovesi aresteaza toti politicienii, cei din sistemul de Justitie nu vor mai lua spaga, ca sa nu ii vada pe unii sau sa ii scape pe altii?
Vreti sa stiti de ce nu se va opri coruptia in Romania? Pentru ca nu se face ordine asa cum trebuie in TOT sistemul de Stat. Pentru ca toate institutiile acestea, care erau platite sa ne pazeasca in ultimii 26 de ani, trebuie ele, mai intai, sa isi admita greselile si, mai ales, coruptii. Ati vazut asa ceva intamplandu-se?
Facand mare spectacol cu spagarii din politica, in fapt SRI, Politia, DNA, DIICOT, intreaga Justitie, isi acopera, asemeni doctorilor, malpraxis-ul. I-am platit sa opreasca hotii, dar ei s-au imbatat si imbuibat cu ei. Iar acum fac doar Justitie politica, doar nu or fi fraieri sa se aresteze intre ei…
Vreti dovezi? Sa va spun despre politistii care au „mutat” trecerea de pietoni, peste noapte, ca sa iasa victima de vina? Despre alcoolemia luata dupa 2 zile, ca sa fie protejat fiul unui „sef” local? Despre bietul politist pus de sefi sa manance Procesul Verbal intocmit cui nu avea „voie”? Despre procurorul care a pus un escroc dovedit sa declare ca 18 afaceristi au facut evaziune pe facturile lui, desi respectivii habar nu aveau ca sunt false? Sau despre faptul ca nu ii ancheteaza nimeni pe directorii de spitale care au primit ordin sa lucreze cu Hexifarma, firma acoperita a unuia dintre Servicii?
Nu e nevoie de dovezi! Romanii stiu multe astfel de cazuri, le traiesc, le patesc. Zi de zi! Nu prea au nevoie sa li se arate, care-s hotii, care-s vardistii, ca ii vad ei prea bine.
Cu toate acestea, dvs tineti sa ne spuneti ca DNA face totul bine, ca romanii nu stiu sa voteze si ca solutia perfecta pentru noi este omul care predica: „Mein Party, Mein Reich!” Sunteti, insa, dispus sa ne garantati si ca spagarii din Justitie, Politie si Servicii s-au calugarit si si-au dat vilele la saraci?
senator Cristian Bodea

English version:
The letter of a honest romanian senator to the US ambassador in his country
Dear mister ambassador Klemm,
That DNA is making a „slaughter” in our Parliament is a good thing, that you are endorsing the Justice is a fact to be appreciated, but do you have any idea why in Romania the bribery is still taken, the public auctions are still manipulated and hills of wood are still stolen? And, why those payed to stop this robbery are just rising shoulders and… are taking their bribery relaxed? You don’t, I guess…
I will enlighten you! The corruption and the thievery could not get to this level if the policemen, the prosecutors and the judges would have done their job and stopped the politicians from the start. But, the Justice, the Police, the Secret Services have been their accomplices from 26 years. They all have stollen, together , this is the Truth!
On these conditions, you find „right” that your beloved partner, the president Iohannis, is „making” Justice, Police and Security, with the same peoples that were yesterday part at the thievery with those that they put in cuffs today? Do you guarantee us that if missis Kovesi arrest all the politicians, those from the justice system would not accept bribery anymore, to not „see” some or to „save” others?
Do you want to know why the corruption would not stop in Romania? Because the „cleaning” in ALL the State system is not made as it should be. Because all these institutions, which were paid to protect us in the last 26 years, should admit their own mistakes, before anyone else, and especially their own corrupts. Have you seen anything like this until now?
By making a big show with the corrupted politicians, in fact SRI, the Police, DNA, DIICOT, the whole Justice system are covering, like the medics, their own malpractice. We have paid them to stop the thieves but they have been drinking and eating at the same table with them. And now they are making only Political Justice, because they would not be that foolish to arrest each others, isn’t it?…
Do you want proves? Should I tell you about the policemen that have „moved” the zebra lines, by night, so that the victim to be in fault? About the alcohol test that was taken after two days, so that the son of some local „boss” to be protected? About the poor police agent that was forced by his superiors to swallow the Constatation Paper made to someone that he wasn’t „allowed”? About the prosecutor that have asked a proven crook to make a statement that 18 businessmen have made tax evasion with his bills, although those peoples had no idea that they were false? Or about the fact that no one does not make an judiciary inquiry about the hospital managers that have received orders or bribery to „work” with Hexifarma, a proven cover-up operation of one of our Secret Services?
There is no need for proves! The romanians know many cases like these, they live them, these things happen to them. Day by day! There is not much need to be shown to them who are the bad guys and who are the good guys, they see them too well.
Yet, against all these, you feel the need to tell us that all that DNA does is good, that the romanians doesn’t know how to vote and that the perfect solution for us is the man that preaches: „Mein Party, Mein Reich!”. But, are you also willing to guarantee us that all the corrupts from the Justice, the Police and the Secret Services have become saints and have given their mansions to the poor?”

Cristian Bodea, member of the Romanian Senate
Bucharest, 15 august 2016

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